Sunset Wood COVID-19 Update 5-11-2020

Dear Tenants,                                                                         May 11, 2020

          Governor Cuomo announced today that the Mohawk Valley Region (including Oneida County), qualifies to start Phase 1 of reopening starting the end of the day Friday, May 15th. Now, this does NOT mean that things will go back to normal once reopening starts. It means that we are taking the first step toward the new normal that we are going to live with until at least a vaccine becomes available.

          The Mohawk Valley qualifies because we have hit 7 out of 7 metrics as shown below:

1.     14-day decline in hospitalizations or under 15 new hospitalizations (3-day average)

2.     14-day decline in hospitalized deaths or under 5 new (3-day average)

3.     New hospitalizations – under 2 per 100k residents (3-day rolling average)

4.     Share of total beds available (threshold of 30%)

5.     Share of ICU beds available (threshold of 30%)

6.     30 per 1k residents tested monthly (7-day average of new tests per day)

7.     30 contact tracers per 100k residents or to meet current infection rate

Phase 1 includes construction, manufacturing and wholesale supply chain, retail for curbside pickup, agriculture, forestry and fishing.

Stay safe & healthy,

Dominick M. Manfredo

Executive Director / CEO

Message from Chaplain Happy Mother's Day 5-10-2020

Dear Tenants,                                                                        May 10, 2020

          I would like to wish a Happy Mother’s Day to all of the Mom’s living at Sunset Wood and all of your Moms who have us the gift of YOU! I hope you enjoyed the complimentary lunch and the special dinner tonight. I will let Pastor Elizabeth speak for today, but know that each and every one of you are on my mind today.

Stay safe & healthy,

Dominick M. Manfredo

Executive Director / CEO




Morning is God’s way of saying, ”One more time, go make a difference, touch a heart, encourage a mind, inspire a soul, and enjoy the day.”

Shared by Tricia Kennison

The scripture lesson from the lectionary this week is interesting for Mother’s Day, but very helpful and something parents have probably said to their children, “Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in Me (Jesus).” John 14:1 Maybe these exact words were not said, but something very similar. What words of comfort are needed more than these for such a time as this? “Don’t let your hearts be troubled.” I can only imagine that this time is very stressful as well as grace-filled for families. Families that have school-aged children who are trying to attend school via computer. Parents who are trying to help their children navigate through their homework in this new way and coming up with new and innovative ways to keep them occupied, meanwhile trying to work from home, and creating 3 square meals a day, a huge task to say the least! So, parents, hats off to you!! Maybe this day for this time should be renamed “Parents Day”.

As I continued to read through John 14, I found peace, joy, rest, rejuvenation, and restoration. Throughout the many phone calls that have been made over the past several weeks, a reoccurring theme has presented itself and that is one of HOPE. In John 14: 2-3 it states, “In my Father’s house there are many dwelling places. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, so that where I am, there you may be also.” I do not know about anyone else, but the thought that our Father who is in heaven is currently creating not just a house, but an eternal home for us all is extraordinary to say the least! It has been said that “home” is where the heart is. For me, home was wherever my parents were living for that was where my heart always was. Jesus states that He will come and bring us to Himself. So literally, our “home” is in and with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. What a beautiful picture and wonderful thought. Comfort, security, and love are fully known in those words.  

Ok, I realize that your “refuge/home” has been invaded, moms. It has been overrun with your wonderfully zany family for several weeks and you can’t escape. Help! This time with your family is time that can never be replaced. So, enjoy this journey. I know that mothers/fathers, grandmothers/fathers, great-grandmothers/grandfathers have had more opportunity to spend time in a different way with their families. Maybe you’ve learned new technology. For some that may be a tricky word, but you have made your home a little roomier for it. Some families have had recent additions. Welcome home little ones! Be patient in your anticipation to hold the new babies. When you finally get that opportunity embrace that time and feel the comfort. That’s home😊

I realize that this Sunday is about mothers. All I can say is, “Mothers, you rock!” Thank you for all you have done and are doing during this time of sheer craziness. You are the encouragement, the care, the stabilizing force even though you may have wanted to pull your hair out at times. You are a beautiful part of that word, home. That soft cuddly part that lets your children know that everything may be a little different, but it will be ok. You help them to see that their dreams can still be realized even though the world needs a minute to recover in order for their dreams to continue. You show them through your actions that it is ok to act a little crazy because we are not in this alone. You allow them to see that they do not need to stay in that crazy place, but can come back to “home” and know that in our Father’s house we are in the safest, strongest place that we could be for now and for always. Thank you😊


Pastor Elizabeth


Sunset Wood COVID-19 Update 5-9-2020

Dear Tenants,                                                          May 9, 2020

        Very disturbing news has been developing regarding the fact that the COVID-19 virus could have delayed effects in young children (toddler & elementary). Hospitals in New York City have reported 73 illnesses that are related to the virus but not the same symptoms. This goes to show that we should not only look at keeping our population safe during this pandemic, but it is vital that we keep everyone safe. Research is being done to see whether or not we should watch our younger population as we move forward.

        On another note, I have been working with the Oneida County Health Department in order to formulize a way to provide testing within our local community. There are currently specific sites that are open for testing, but in my opinion standing with a bunch of people who may be COVID positive is not a good way to provide testing. It would put vulnerable populations in more danger rather than help them since cases in Oneida County are still rising significantly (17 today). Therefore, I will keep you all apprised of any new developments regarding testing and if “outpatient” testing becomes available if anyone were interested. In the meantime, we will keep doing what we are doing!

Stay safe & healthy,

Dominick M. Manfredo

Executive Director / CEO

How to Improve Immune Systems in the Elderly

How to Improve Immune Systems in the Elderly

Whether you are young or old, COVID-19 can burden us all in many ways. It can happen to anyone at any time, and it is essential to understand different things that can help keep COVID-19 out of your system.

    It is so important to keep our senior population’s immune systems healthy because they are most vulnerable to diseases. Older adult's immune systems tend to be compromised on a normal day, which allows a virus like COVID-19 to enter the body and create more damage than a younger immune system would, which is why I am here to tell you different ways to boost your immune system and keep yourself going each day.

     Let us start simple; eating fruits and vegetables with high vitamin C and E is an easy way to boost your immune system. For example citrus fruits, strawberries, dark leafy greens are all good things to eat. You should also reduce the intake of sugar and fats and processed food. Instead, try to incorporate protein, carbohydrates, and pure fats in your diet. Staying physically active is an important one to boot your immune system. It allows you to keep your body healthy enough to fight off infection or a virus. Walking, chair workouts, and stretching are the best form of exercise for seniors. Now I know times are hard right now, and you cannot do many things that you use to do, so you are beginning to feel stressed out about what is going on. Well, being stressed out can lower your immune system and make you more susceptible to an infection or virus. Completing activities like reading, puzzles, and Meditation can all help to increase your immune system and make yourself feel better.

      Now one thing that everyone loves is to sleep; having a good night's sleep is one of the best things for the immune system.  “Sleeping well helps the body respond better to inflammation and stress.” ( the next idea that could help your immune system is water. “Water helps carry oxygen to your body cells, which results in properly functioning systems. It also works in removing toxins from the body.”( so it is essential to drink more water each day so it can help your immune system. Now according to (, “handwashing remains the number one tip for preventing the spread of COVID-19 its common sense, and it works. However, it must be done properly and with soup and water.” So if you do not do anything else, make sure you wash your hands because it is vital. The last thing that I want to talk about is positive thinking. I understand that we are in rough times right now, and not being able to do your normal or see family members can genuinely hurt in many ways. Researchers have found that “your mind can have a powerful effect on your body. Immunity is one area where your thoughts and attitude can have a particularity powerful influence.” ( as in saying that, try to release negative emotions because it can weaken your immune system. Try to think about happy things and ways to make yourself feel better.

     These are all different ways to boost your immune system and make yourself feel better in many ways. I hope you use these ideas and continue to be a better you each day.

Article Written by Kendall X. Hicks, Wellness Coordinator for The Community at Sunset Wood

He can be contacted at



Sunset Wood COVID-19 Update 5-6-2020

Dear Tenants,                                                          May 6, 2020

        As you may have seen in today’s Observer Dispatch, a federal court judge has overruled NYS Board of Elections’ decision to cancel the NY Presidential Primary set for June 23. However, New York can still appeal the decision so it has not yet been set in stone. With that being said, local election primaries were still being held anyway so voting was going to occur either way. Whatever it comes to be, keep in mind that all New Yorkers are able to vote absentee! Please contact our local Board of Elections (315) 798-5765 if you have any questions on how to register.

        In addition, I would like to clarify that the “Phase 1 Reopening” of our area on May 15th only includes construction and manufacturing trades. Then, we must wait to see two-weeks’ worth of results prior to moving onto Phase 2 (professional services, lawyers offices, etc.).

        I would like to share a COVID-19 and faith-based poem that was brought to us by Florence Bourdon (Flo):

Wash your hands,

And say a prayer,

Because germs and Jesus

Are everywhere!

Stay safe & healthy,

Dominick M. Manfredo

Executive Director / CEO

Sunset Wood COVID-19 Update 5-5-2020

Dear Tenants,                                                          May 5, 2020

        Unfortunately, as you may have heard from County Executive Picente, Green Empire Farms in Madison County has identified 51 new cases yesterday and 2 more today who are all seasonal employees. Although the farm is in Madison County, their staff members temporarily live in an Oneida County hotel which counts toward our total. However, Picente stated that he does not think this will affect Mohawk Valley’s opening strategy as a majority of the qualifications are based on hospitalizations.

        As more testing is being done, this means that more cases will be identified. Therefore, we should not be surprised when the total number of positive cases increase as we move forward.

        I would like to stress the fact that we are following New York State guidelines regarding the reopening of all business services. In addition, as other states begin to reopen their economies, that does not mean that we are in the same boat! We have to keep track of what is going on in our local community and that will drive what we are able to do. I know all of us like to concentrate on federal & state numbers – however, what is going on in Oneida County and the Mohawk Valley will determine how we move forward.

        The best way we can get toward that goal is to not only keep up what we are doing, but also tell our family and friends to do the same!

Stay safe & healthy,

Dominick M. Manfredo

Executive Director / CEO

Sunset Wood COVID-19 Update 5-4-2020

Dear Tenants,                                                          May 4, 2020

        There were some major announcements regarding the reopening of New York State businesses. This was very important because it gave us an outline to follow as an organization. Each Phase (1, 2, 3, 4) has its own list of businesses that may open with social distancing guidelines.

        Phase 1 will include construction and manufacturing and are set to reopen on May 15th. From there, the state will monitor cases for 2-weeks prior to allowing Phase 2 to open, which includes professional services, insurance offices and retail. Restaurants are listed in Phase 3 which would include our Dining Room.

Unfortunately, I have not received any information regarding salons which is a top priority for me. So, I know how important it is for a lot of your and I will be sure to get Kim back in here to do hair once we are legally allowed to.

I will keep you all apprised of the information as I learn more each and every day.

Stay safe, stay healthy, and stay tough!

Dominick M. Manfredo

Executive Director / CEO

Message from Our Chaplain & Executive Director 5-3-2020

Dear Tenants,                                                          May 3, 2020

        For today, I am going to let Pastor Elizabeth’s message speak to you on this beautiful Sunday. I do encourage all of you to take advantage of the outdoors in one way or another while practicing social distancing and wearing your masks. The sun has been known to provide us with energy, and I hope this message does the same!

Stay safe & healthy,

Dominick M. Manfredo

Executive Director / CEO




Listen! I am standing at the door, knocking; if you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to you and eat with you, and you with me. Revelation 3:20

Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Atch. Atch who? God bless you.  Do you need a Kleenex?

Knock, knock. Who's there?
Noah. Noah who? Noah any new jokes that are good?

Now, there had to be a couple of giggles in there somewhere? Right? O.K., so I should keep my day job, but I couldn’t help myself.

On a more serious note, the scripture lessons today led me to the picture of our Savior as our Shepherd. In this time, where we are being asked to “Be still”, the picture of the Shepherd is one of comfort for this time and place. The One who is patient, kind, relentless and filled with reassurance is always present whenever needed.

This ever-Present Shepherd chose to be patient with the men He selected to be the starters and leaders of the church. This motley crew of misfits who constantly misunderstood, misspoke, and overstepped, were chosen to be the beginning of the church.  Sound like anyone we know? Yes, I suppose every time we look in the mirror. We need to continually persevere during this time and be calm with ourselves and each other. Yet, our Shepherd quietly brings events into our lives to help us reevaluate what we are doing and what we are thinking or not thinking. Hopefully, we “get it” and choose to begin to rectify these areas in our lives and move forward. Patience! The Patient Shepherd is there for us all.

In the picture above is our forever Knocking Shepherd. He must be patient if He is persistently waiting for us to answer, to understand, to believe, to trust and hope. You see, the Shepherd keeps knocking even after we have given ourselves over to Him. He is always there guiding us with His knocking in order to keep us from becoming complacent in our lives, within His church and within our own faith journeys.

Why is it that our Shepherd brings us back to a place we thought we had already dealt with? Simple…because we haven’t. Sometimes we need to revisit a character flaw, a life decision, the way we treated someone in order to gain a different perspective. I had an experience like this with a friend recently. I thought I had listened. I thought I understood, but when it came to the execution and putting what I thought I understood into practice… I blew it! I completely messed up and hadn’t even realized that it was mostly my fault. Praise God for His ability to be a Kind Shepherd and my friend’s ability to be forgiving and ever so patient with me. In the midst of this, I had to forgive myself and work on patience as well. Of course, I wanted to beat myself up, but only allowed 5 minutes for this to take place. Yes, I have to put a time limit on these things or they tend to get out of control. Right? Most of you have been there before. Patience!

1 Peter 2:23 and 25 states,” 23 When he was abused, he did not return abuse; when he suffered, he did not threaten; but he entrusted himself to the one who judges justly. 25 For you were going astray like sheep, but now you have returned to the shepherd and guardian of your souls.” Our Relentless Shepherd continually knocks because He loves us and wants us to move forward in healthy ways so that we can inspire healthy living, thinking and doing in others. 

I love the part of the 23rd Psalm and 1 Peter where David says, “He restores my soul”. Talk about a Shepherd of well-being! Wow! In our imperfection, we have been chosen to be repaired, to be made whole and made clean. Our souls are restored in His patience, in His love and in His grace. He is, after all, known as the Great Physician and restorer of souls, bringing them back to the One who created them, is His way. After this restoration takes place, Peter shares with us that our Shepherd is the “guardian of our souls”. Let’s think this through. God chooses to heal our souls and bring them back to a right standing with Him and then chooses to guard the repairs that were made. Amazing!

We are human and we can’t get away from that. Our Creator knew this when He made us. But we can be better. We can try to hear the ever-present knocking and open the door to understand what challenges in our lives need mending with help from our Healer.

Don’t dismiss the knocking. Don’t dismiss the need to heal. Don’t dismiss the ultimate love of the Ultimate Shepherd and Savior.

Hear, O Israel: The Lord is our God, the Lord alone. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might. Keep these words that I am commanding you today in your heart.

Deuteronomy 6: 4-6

Blessings always,

Pastor Elizabeth


Sunset Wood COVID-19 Update 5-2-2020

Dear Tenants,                                                          May 2, 2020

        A lot of the announcements made today were regarding New York City, the subway, etc. Not much was addressed in our local region other than the fact that cases are still being identified.

It is safe to say that New York City is still ground zero for this virus, and none of us will be traveling or receiving guests from there anytime soon. However, I encourage that if you have loved ones in that area who you would like to speak to, please take advantage of our virtual video conferencing technology made available to you by the Mohawk Valley COVID-19 Response Fund.

There has been a lot of chatter in Oneida County regarding the fact that people are not wearing masks in public places (grocery stores, pharmacies, etc.). However, I would just like to clarify that Oneida County Executive has issued an Executive Order in which businesses must either enforce the New York State mandate, or kick people out. So, if you are going out to appointments, please remember to bring your mask or else they might not allow you inside!

Stay safe & healthy,

Dominick M. Manfredo

Executive Director / CEO

Sunset Wood COVID-19 Update 5-1-2020

Dear Tenants,                                                          May 1, 2020

        Happy “Older” Americans month! The Administration for Community Living leads the national observance of May as Older American’s Month. Although I do not look at any of you as “older” I guess we can find a reason to celebrate.

This year's theme is "Make Your Mark." The theme was selected to encourage and celebrate the countless contributions that older adults make in their communities. "Their time, experience and talents benefit family, peers and neighbors every day," states the ACL. "This year’s theme highlights the difference everyone can make – in the lives of older adults, in support of caregivers, and to strengthen communities."

Although this time is difficult, I encourage each of you to find a way to “Make Your Mark.” Whether that be making a mark on someone’s life, or making a mark on your own – how you do it is totally in your control!

On a state level, the only announcement was that schools are scheduled to be closed for the remainder of this academic year. Besides that, enjoy your Friend Shrimp Dinner, and the rest of your Friday evening!

Stay safe & healthy,

Dominick M. Manfredo

Executive Director / CEO