Dear Tenants, May 3, 2020
For today, I am going to let Pastor Elizabeth’s message speak to you on this beautiful Sunday. I do encourage all of you to take advantage of the outdoors in one way or another while practicing social distancing and wearing your masks. The sun has been known to provide us with energy, and I hope this message does the same!
Stay safe & healthy,
Dominick M. Manfredo
Executive Director / CEO
Listen! I am standing at the door, knocking; if you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to you and eat with you, and you with me. Revelation 3:20
Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Atch. Atch who? God bless you. Do you need a Kleenex?
Knock, knock. Who's there?
Noah. Noah who? Noah any new jokes that are good?
Now, there had to be a couple of giggles in there somewhere? Right? O.K., so I should keep my day job, but I couldn’t help myself.
On a more serious note, the scripture lessons today led me to the picture of our Savior as our Shepherd. In this time, where we are being asked to “Be still”, the picture of the Shepherd is one of comfort for this time and place. The One who is patient, kind, relentless and filled with reassurance is always present whenever needed.
This ever-Present Shepherd chose to be patient with the men He selected to be the starters and leaders of the church. This motley crew of misfits who constantly misunderstood, misspoke, and overstepped, were chosen to be the beginning of the church. Sound like anyone we know? Yes, I suppose every time we look in the mirror. We need to continually persevere during this time and be calm with ourselves and each other. Yet, our Shepherd quietly brings events into our lives to help us reevaluate what we are doing and what we are thinking or not thinking. Hopefully, we “get it” and choose to begin to rectify these areas in our lives and move forward. Patience! The Patient Shepherd is there for us all.
In the picture above is our forever Knocking Shepherd. He must be patient if He is persistently waiting for us to answer, to understand, to believe, to trust and hope. You see, the Shepherd keeps knocking even after we have given ourselves over to Him. He is always there guiding us with His knocking in order to keep us from becoming complacent in our lives, within His church and within our own faith journeys.
Why is it that our Shepherd brings us back to a place we thought we had already dealt with? Simple…because we haven’t. Sometimes we need to revisit a character flaw, a life decision, the way we treated someone in order to gain a different perspective. I had an experience like this with a friend recently. I thought I had listened. I thought I understood, but when it came to the execution and putting what I thought I understood into practice… I blew it! I completely messed up and hadn’t even realized that it was mostly my fault. Praise God for His ability to be a Kind Shepherd and my friend’s ability to be forgiving and ever so patient with me. In the midst of this, I had to forgive myself and work on patience as well. Of course, I wanted to beat myself up, but only allowed 5 minutes for this to take place. Yes, I have to put a time limit on these things or they tend to get out of control. Right? Most of you have been there before. Patience!
1 Peter 2:23 and 25 states,” 23 When he was abused, he did not return abuse; when he suffered, he did not threaten; but he entrusted himself to the one who judges justly. 25 For you were going astray like sheep, but now you have returned to the shepherd and guardian of your souls.” Our Relentless Shepherd continually knocks because He loves us and wants us to move forward in healthy ways so that we can inspire healthy living, thinking and doing in others.
I love the part of the 23rd Psalm and 1 Peter where David says, “He restores my soul”. Talk about a Shepherd of well-being! Wow! In our imperfection, we have been chosen to be repaired, to be made whole and made clean. Our souls are restored in His patience, in His love and in His grace. He is, after all, known as the Great Physician and restorer of souls, bringing them back to the One who created them, is His way. After this restoration takes place, Peter shares with us that our Shepherd is the “guardian of our souls”. Let’s think this through. God chooses to heal our souls and bring them back to a right standing with Him and then chooses to guard the repairs that were made. Amazing!
We are human and we can’t get away from that. Our Creator knew this when He made us. But we can be better. We can try to hear the ever-present knocking and open the door to understand what challenges in our lives need mending with help from our Healer.
Don’t dismiss the knocking. Don’t dismiss the need to heal. Don’t dismiss the ultimate love of the Ultimate Shepherd and Savior.
4 Hear, O Israel: The Lord is our God, the Lord alone. 5 You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might. 6 Keep these words that I am commanding you today in your heart.
Deuteronomy 6: 4-6
Blessings always,
Pastor Elizabeth