In this time, I have been reminded of the beginning lyrics to the song, “You Can’t Touch This”, written by MC Hammer;
You can't touch this
You can't touch this
You can't touch this (oh-oh oh oh oh-oh-oh)
You can't touch this (oh-oh oh oh oh-oh-oh)
These lyrics made me giggle because of how they relate in today’s world. You’ve got it… we can’t touch much of anything without thinking about washing our hands for 30 seconds or more. We now wear masks and gloves to help keep others safe. We most assuredly should not touch each other, but stay six feet away just in case people have the virus. Now, in some grocery stores, there are signs at the end of each isle stating the direction we need to be going so we do not get to close to others.
So, how do we connect? Within our state of isolation, social and physical distancing, how do we allow ourselves to be joined, to come together, not just as a community of believers, but as a human race?
Personally, I have to admire the human spirit throughout this foreboding time of seclusion. Surely, we have all seen movies of mass destruction in which a certain set of people are trying to help each other while the rest of the world seems to be going mad, luting, shooting, trampling over others to get what they feel they need without regard for their fellow people. Yet, here we are, stuck right smack dab in the middle of a world pandemic, being our BEST selves in solidarity with each other. We are aiding, uplifting, and inspiring our fellow humans.
Many beautiful stories of how people have reached out to one another have come from this tragedy. People have shared how they have enjoyed chatting with others on the phone. Others have reached out to those they do not have regular contact with and have enjoyed the wonderful conversations that have ensued. Yet others, have sent cards to people with a simple message of encouragement and support which has allowed the receiver to smile. Some have made face masks and sent them to nearby hospitals, as well as friends, in the community. People have made extra food and put together dinners for their neighbors who are elderly which has been an absolute blessing. Still others are using their business to buy hand cream for those on the front line of this disease. People have come together in our church to decorate the outside, share palms, and allowed hope to be distributed throughout the community during the Easter season. People have called for prayers of hope and healing needed during this time of uncertainty. Surely, there are many other stories out there that have not been mentioned.
The words, “Thank you”, cannot begin to express the gratitude for these gracious actions. But I am not so sure words are truly needed. Our human nature has kicked in. We have been able to connect without physically touching. We have connected through our hearts, our wonderful human condition. The inner part of ourselves that is and always will be connected. We are all related as a species and most assuredly to our Creator, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
In the midst of this misfortune, I cannot help but to think that God is looking down and smiling and saying, “Well done, good and faithful servants.” Maybe we need to recognize that we are truly not alone. That God, who lives in community with His Son and Holy Spirit also lives in community with us. Jesus never walked alone. He was always surrounded by those He loved. Even when he separated Himself from the crowds, He was never was alone because He was in prayer with His Father. Within the scripture lessons throughout the Bible we never read about anyone being alone. God is always with them. I believe that we as a human race have chosen to follow in Christ’s footsteps whether we realize it or not. Simply AMAZING!!
This reminds me of the song, You’ll Never Walk Alone”.
You'll Never Walk Alone
Gerry and the Pacemakers
When you walk through a storm
Hold your head up high
And don't be afraid of the dark
At the end of a storm
There's a golden sky
And the sweet silver song of a lark
Walk on through the wind
Walk on through the rain
Though your dreams be tossed and blown
Walk on, walk on
With hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone
You'll never walk alone
Walk on, walk on
With hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone
You'll never walk alone
PRAISE GOD we do NOT walk alone. Jesus is always there to carry us. We are connected. Even though it may be in a different way for a while, it will not be forever. We will be able to see each other face to face, to touch each other, to eat with each other and sing with our friends and family again. Until then, I look forward to chatting with you on the phone, via ZOOM, through these inspirational messages, or email. I love and miss you all.
Many blessings and much love,
Pastor Elizabeth