Sunset Wood COVID-19 Update 4-11-2020

Dear Tenants,                                                          April 11, 2020

        With all of the craziness going on in our society, I would just like to say keep up the great work! We are doing a wonderful job “flattening the curve” because the statistics are showing positive results both on a local and state level.

        Due to the Easter holiday, the Front Office will be closed tomorrow. However, you will still be receiving a special dinner courtesy of our culinary team, Mike & Ellie. Tomorrow’s dinner is complimentary for all tenants, meaning that it will not count against any meals for the Penthouse side of the building. Everyone will receive this special meal so there is no need to call down to the kitchen unless you have a special request.

To make up for this year’s lackluster celebration, we will be handing out a surprise on Monday morning! Although this Holy Week has been different, the message of taking care of each other has been the same. Before we know it, all of this will be behind us and we will get back to the new normal.

Stay Safe & Healthy on this Holy Saturday,

Dominick M. Manfredo

Executive Director / CEO

Sunset Wood COVID-19 Update 4-10-2020

Dear Tenants,                                                          April 10, 2020

        It’s Good Friday! On this day of self-reflection, I urge that if you feel comfortable, pray for those who are dealing with this virus first-hand. This virus can infiltrate our community easily, and it’s up to us practicing social distancing precautions in order to ease the burden for our healthcare workers.

        Keep in-mind the following:

-        There will be no non-medical visitors allowed on our property this weekend, even on Easter – resist the urge to congregate

-        Call your loved ones to check-in as opposed to seeing them in-person

-        This is not the time to ease up as other senior living communities in NYS have been infiltrated by the virus due to visitors not abiding by the rules

For those of you who follow, Good Friday is a day of sacrifice - we can take that same lesson and apply it to what we are going through with this virus. By sacrificing to see our friends, family, etc. NOW, we will be setting up ourselves, and all those who follow in our footsteps, for safety & health many days/months/years down the road.

Stay Safe & Healthy,

Dominick M. Manfredo

Executive Director / CEO

Senior Scams on the Rise During Quarantine

With the fear of COVID-19 taking up most of our attention, keep in-mind that criminals are using a wide range of coronavirus scams to take advantage of our elderly population.

The Federal Trade Commission is warning that scammers are offering to help with errands, and running off with your money. Be wary of someone you don't know offering to help as they may never come back with the groceries or money. It is much safer to find a trusted friend, neighbor or arrange a licensed caregiver agency to aid with procuring your goods.

Although this population loves landlines, Google has created an app that automatically blocks spam callers for smartphones. We are recommending that this generation moves away from traditional landlines and more toward smartphones for that reason!

​If you are helping to manage someone's money, check-in with that person to make sure they are coping with things and to let them know that they are on your mind. In all of this uncertainty, it is easy to forget that the best way of easing someone's mind is with constant communication.If you spot a scam, report it to the Federal Trade Commission at

Sunset Wood COVID-19 Update 4-9-2020

Dear Tenants,                                                          April 9, 2020

        Happy Holy Thursday! Although this year is definitely not the norm, I hope you have found a way to stay gracious throughout Holy Week.

        Here are some updates from federal, state, and local levels:

-        The Presidential primary for New York State has been postponed to June 23 which will align with State and Local primaries

-        Governor Cuomo has announced that ALL NEW YORKERS are able to VOTE ABSENTEE

-        All flags in New York State have been ordered at half-mast in honor of those who passed due to the coronavirus which now totals over 7,000 just in our state

Today would have been our Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter service with Pastor Elizabeth. As stated in earlier notices, we are planning to do this service at a later date whenever it becomes safe to bring everyone together.

Remember: Stay home. Stop the spread. Save lives.

Stay Safe & Healthy,

Dominick M. Manfredo

Executive Director / CEO

Sunset Wood COVID-19 Update & Happy Passover 4-8-2020

Dear Tenants,                                                          April 8, 2020

        With the holidays looming upon us, and the start of Passover being sundown today, I understand that the effects of this isolation can become even more cumbersome. I would like to thank those of you who are embracing this societal change with fortitude and helping our community to get through these tough times.

        Being that churches have been closed during this epidemic, one of our tenants, Flo, was kind enough to do some research and find that Channel #39 (Global Catholic Network) will have a Holy Thursday Service at 12:00 pm, Good Friday Service at 2:00 pm, and an Easter Sunday Service at 12:00 pm. I have yet to find a non-denominational service but hope this helps those who would like to watch.

The bad news we heard today is that over 700 New Yorkers per day are dying from the COVID-19 virus. This goes to show how serious this situation is and why we are taking extreme precautions.

I am sorry that you will not be able to have your loved ones visit for Easter & Passover - I truly am. However, your actions will go into the history books to state that we had to sacrifice certain luxuries in order to accomplish our public health strategy.

Chag Pesach Sameach (Happy Passover),

Dominick M. Manfredo

Executive Director / CEO

Sunset Wood COVID-19 Update 4-7-2020

Dear Tenants,                                                          April 7, 2020


        As of yesterday, Governor Andrew Cuomo has extended his Executive Orders (aka NY PAUSE) which include the Matilda Laws (those over 70 years old staying home), as well as schools and non-essential workers to stay home until April 29th. This means we now have a projected date for when we can revisit some internal precautions & policies. Until then, we will keep “doing what we’re doing” because it is working!

        For clarification, during NY PAUSE our outdoor areas are for TENANTS ONLY and not for congregating. When family members come, they are not allowed to sit outside for social reasons and non-medical visitors are not permitted on the property. This is a violation of social distancing and as of today, you can be reported to Oneida County Officials in which New York State can FINE you and/or our community up to $1,000!

We are taking this extremely serious and so should all of you. Go outside, get some fresh air, and go back home. I don’t like this as much as the next person, but it is the reality of the restrictions we have been given to follow. If you see a neighbor not practicing social distancing policies, please call the front office or leave us a message at (315) 733-1389.

Stay Safe & Healthy,

Dominick M. Manfredo

Executive Director / CEO

Sunset Wood COVID-19 Update 4-6-2020

Dear Tenants,                                                          April 6, 2020

        After listening to, and speaking with, governmental agencies we are hoping that some of the recent numbers are starting to show that we are reaching the “apex” or “plateau” of the virus spread. It has come to my attention that some people may not totally understand what that means.

When a virus begins to spread, the number of cases exponentially increase until there becomes a certain life of the virus where it begins to die off on the societal environment which it is placed – we can think of it as the “saturation point” where the virus has spread as far as it can before caseloads start to decrease.

Please take a look at the chart provided by New York State to help you understand what we are talking about.

Credit: NYS Gov. Cuomo Powerpoint 04.05.20 COVID-19 Briefing

This week will tell us a lot about where we are going as a nation in regards to this virus. To sum it up: Stay Home. Stop the Spread. Save Lives.

Dominick M. Manfredo

Executive Director / CEO

Message from Chaplain 4-6-2020


Dear Sunset Wood Family,                                                   April 6, 2020

Super Heroes

Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus,

who, though he was in the form of God,
    did not regard equality with God
    as something to be exploited,
but emptied himself,
    taking the form of a slave,
    being born in human likeness.
And being found in human form,
    he humbled himself
    and became obedient to the point of death—
    even death on a cross.

Therefore God also highly exalted him
    and gave him the name
    that is above every name,
10 so that at the name of Jesus
    every knee should bend,
    in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
11 and every tongue should confess
    that Jesus Christ is Lord,
    to the glory of God the Father.

Philippians 2:5-11

To me, this is the epitome of being a super hero. Christ, alone, is our Super Hero. All of the above scripture, Christ did to show His love for His children, you and me. A definite description of a super hero if I have ever heard one. Then, I think of all of the current super heroes that we have, not only in our country, but in this entire world. Out of something horrible, rotten, terrible, no good, and very bad, comes something beautiful, full of grace, filled with warmth from the heart and food for the soul. So, maybe this inspirational message is more like a prayer than anything else.

Papa, I am grateful for the people who have stepped forward to give the best of themselves in the midst of tragedy and to be there for others. I recognize that these super heroes are tired, lonely, afraid, and angry, at the worst of times during this season of heart break. Yet, they have chosen, in the midst of their exhaustion, to persevere and help humanity even if it means forfeiting their own lives to do so. These super heroes have given their love, heart, kindness, and patience to help keep the rest of the people in our respective countries forging on as the new normal has kicked in. Many of them have found their way back to You, Lord. Many of them have become closer to You and because of this Your love in this world has formed a seed of faith that has been lacking. Maybe some have found a brand-new home with You, Friend, and are beginning to gain an understanding of what Your truth is all about. Yes, Abba Father, there is light with, in, and through You who are Sovereign. In You alone, we have and find our Faith. With You we have truth and love. With You, we have super heroes. Those so courageous, so dedicated, so altruistic, that we see You in them. Thank you for opening our hearts, our eyes, and our ears to hear what You are saying to each of us through the angels we call super heroes. They may not have super powers like flying, taking giant leaps with a single bound, or x-ray vision, none the less, they are extraordinary. These self-sacrificing people give till it hurts, serve until the last person who needs help has been helped, assist in getting what is needed until the need is no more, and yet they continue to march on. Thank you, Beautiful Giver, for allowing them the strength to carry out their work (Your work), the courage to aide wherever aide is needed, and the wisdom to fight this earthly battle with determination! We know, as Your children, the victory is all Yours, Lord. We are comforted that we can always bring our supplications to You, Loving Friend. We know that in Your time our prayers will be answered and for that we are incredibly honored and grateful. In Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, we pray together, AMEN!


Sunset Wood COVID-19 Update 4-5-2020

Dear Tenants,                                                          April 5, 2020

        Happy Palm Sunday to those who are celebrating! After listening to the federal, state, and local government updates, we are making a lot of progress “flattening the curve” by social distancing. This means that we are getting closer to what people are calling “the apex” of how much the virus is going to spread. However, we will only reach this point if we continue to practice the same precautions as we have been. When it comes to vulnerable populations, the best “formula” is pretty simple:


        Although the first part, isolation, is not easy for any of us, it is proven to directly link to protection. The more we protect our community, the better off we will be come next month.

        I recommend that you treat today as a day of self-reflection. Say to yourself, “What can I do to make someone’s day while abiding by social distancing?”, “Is there someone that I haven’t talked to in a while that I can call to check on?” By following our precautions and thinking of ways to connect with each other, you are a part of the solution.

Stay Safe & Healthy,

Dominick M. Manfredo

Executive Director / CEO

Sunset Wood COVID-19 Update 4-3-2020

Dear Tenants,                                                          April 3, 2020

        I hope this week has at least been tolerable for you, as we are attempting to keep you engaged, challenged, and connected during this statewide “quarantine.” I have been in contact with our internal team as well as Pastor Elizabeth regarding Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday & Easter Sunday.

Here is what we are thinking:

-        We will still decorate the downstairs lobby for you to enjoy when coming to get your mail or doing your solitary exercise in the hallways

-        The flowers you ordered will be placed around the blooming cross for the community to enjoy

-        Pastor Elizabeth will provide a liturgy this Sunday for those who would like to read it – we will pass it out to everyone just so you all have it

-        We were unable to source palms, so you will get the next best thing (it’s a surprise)

-        Our internal Holy Thursday/Good Friday/Easter service will be POSTPONED not cancelled – we will update you on this when the time is right

We are going to attempt to bring you as much joy as possible right to your doorstep during this special time of year. Helen will be here over the weekend so if you have any questions please call the Front Office (315) 733-1389.

Stay Safe & Healthy,

Dominick M. Manfredo

Executive Director / CEO