Sunset Wood COVID-19 Update 3-23-2020

Dear Tenants,                                                    March 23, 2020

        As a community, we are doing a great job of “flattening the curve,” which means by remaining isolated and staying at home, we are reducing the risk of spreading COVID-19 in the public.

        Something to keep in-mind, young people can get and transmit the virus as well! This means that it is ever more important to isolate yourself from younger individuals due to the fact that their immune systems may be so strong that they do not show any symptoms of the virus, but are still able to transmit it to others. Instead of having someone stop by, have them call you. In addition, if you have groceries being brought to you please have the persons delivering check-in with the front office.

Many supplies such as soap, hand sanitizers, Lysol sprays, toilet paper, etc. are still in high demand. Therefore, do your best to conserve your supplies as long as possible while still practicing the proper precautions (washing your hands, personal hygiene, etc.). The Community at Sunset Wood is working on obtaining essential supplies each and every day.

        For New York State, the greatest risk of contracting the disease is coming from New York City. Therefore, it is vital that anyone coming from NYC MUST CHECK WITH THE FRONT OFFICE prior to entry.

We truthfully do not know how long this will last, but no matter the timeframe, our staff is dedicated to our community!


Dominick M. Manfredo

Executive Director / CEO

A Message From Our Chaplain 3-23-2020


Dear Sunset Wood Family,                                                   March 23, 2020

I realize that it has only been a short time that I have been a part of your community, but you welcomed me as family. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your truly beautiful and warm community. I really miss chatting with all of you and serving you in person.

I hope that the following message you find uplifting and comforting. I encourage you to call a friend and read through the liturgy and inspirational message together. Reflect on it and maybe discuss how it applies to your lives at the time you are reading it. We need to remember that there is always hope in our Lord.

I am also going to ask that together we help this world to heal through prayer. Please take time during the day to pray with someone on the phone, before you go to bed, or sometime during the day. Prayer is the best thing that we have to give hope to a broken world. We need to PUSH – Pray Until Something Happens!

Please know that I am praying for all of you. I realize that this is a very difficult time, but together we can get through it. I am here for you if you wish to chat.

Stay blessed and be a blessing,

Pastor Elizabeth


Psalm 23

“The Lord is my Shepherd,” – That’s about Relationship!

Now is a great time to renew, become more intimate, and share via email, social media, and phone your relationship with God with others. What a comfort and a blessing we can be to each other.

“I shall not want” - That’s about Supply!

There are so many verses in the Bible that share that God is our supply, our rock, the corner stone, the foundation for our lives. Jesus had no food for forty days in the wilderness. His supply was His Father. We need that supply and our supply should be the Bible, prayer, and our Father.

“He maketh me to lie down in green pastures” – That’s about Rest!

The earth that God created needs rest just like we do. This is a time of rest and rebirth. As spring is beginning, we should be mindful of the lesson that is being taught. Stop! Think! What more can we do to help our groaning earth? This is the only home we have. This time of rest can give us an opportunity to assess the things in our lives, as well as, other ways to help our earth.

“He leadeth me beside the still waters,” – That’s about  Refreshment!

Cool water on a warm day. What a refreshing and nourishing thought! We have been given all we need to live on this planet by our wonderful Gardener. Let us always give thanks in remembrance of our baptism by Him who is our Living Water.

“He restoreth my soul” – That’s about Healing!

God is the great physician. Through the resurrection of His Son the healing began. We need to be plugged into His word so our healing, as well as the world’s healing, can become repaired and mended for the new things that God is doing in this time.

“He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness” – That’s about Guidance!

To know that we are guided at all times if we are still and listen (with our ears, heart, and soul) is contentment and security. As the Psalmist stated, He is our Shepherd, let Him lead. It takes a lot of weight off of our shoulders.

“For His name sake.” – That’s about Purpose!

The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are committed to us because our Creator chose to bring us into this world to make it more colorful and beautiful. He was resolved with forethought to do this. Because of this, we have our families, friends, and relationships. Praise Him!

“Yea, thou I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,” – That’s about Testing!

God wants to make sure that we are listening and paying attention to what is happening around us and the world. Are we starting to get the picture? He is our guide and wishes only blessings upon us. Can we not take time to wait for Him to speak to us?

“I will fear no evil,” – That’s about Protection!

If He took time to create us, would He not want to protect His creation as well? Not only we who are human, but the terra firma below our feet, this garden of Eden that we live on. No need to fear when God is near!

“For thou art with me.” – That’s about Faithfulness!

In His Word, God has told us that He is forever faithful! He says that He will never leave or forsake us! We need to believe that, pray on that, and share that with others.

“Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me,” – That’s about Discipline!

Hasn’t God been the one to teach us self-control? He has taught us to be reasonable through two guidelines; one is to love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. And two; love your neighbor as yourself. Let us all strive to do these two things better.

“Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of my enemies,” – That’s about Hope!

“ For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what they already have? 25 But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.” Romans 8:24-25

“Thou annointest my head with oil,” – That’s about  Consecration!

We, who believe, are sanctified, set apart, declared Holy by our Risen Lord. We are FAMILY!! We are His daughters and sons, princes and princesses to the Most High King! Halleluiah!

“My cup runneth over.” – That’s about Abundance!

He gives us all of the provision we need. Think about it! What more could you need, not want, but need! We should rejoice more in having the things that we need than what we want.

“Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life,” – That’s about Blessing!

Compassion, forgiveness, kindness, and generosity. These are the attributes that should be shown as God’s children and disciples. Carry these qualities with you at all times and show others to whom you belong.

“And I will dwell in the house of the Lord” – That’s about Security!
That’s where we want to be… in the house of the Lord! It is guaranteed and insured! In this we are sure! Hurray! Three Cheers!

“Forever!” – That’s about Eternity!

Infinity, people! Forever and always! That’s some really great news! Don’t give up! Be persistent, know that God doesn’t give up on us! Love, enjoy, appreciate all that is around you! Remember how loved by God you are!



Sunset Wood COVID-19 Update 3-22-2020

Dear Tenants,                                                     March 22, 2020

        Our staff is continuing to work as hard as we can in order to provide you with the safest environment possible.

        As you may have noticed, housekeeping was here both Saturday and Sunday making rounds in common areas to sanitize & disinfect all high-contact places.

        You can expect throughout the week:

-        Continued guidance on precautions and protocols brought to us by local, state and federal governments

o  For example, the Oneida County Executive deemed there be no unnecessary travel until further notice

-        More in-home games, puzzles and trivia

-        In-home workouts to stay active

-        Ways to take advantage of technology

-        Surprise lunches

-        & more

We understand the difficulty of feeling isolated in your unit. Know that we are here to support, answer questions, or even just chat to keep you company. That is why we are called a community, together we will triumph!

        Even though life is a little bit different, we are going to make sure that Life is still good, at Sunset Wood!


Dominick M. Manfredo

Executive Director / CEO

Sunset Wood COVID-19 Update 3-21-2020


Dear Tenants,                                                     March 21, 2020

        As we move into the weekend, I can say that we are proud of YOU for adapting to these precautions so well. As a community, we are able to get through these trying times.

        The good news is that our social distancing is working in the community. However, this means that it is important we continue to remain at home as much as possible in order to avoid bringing any contamination into our community.

        With that being said, there have not been any new bans coming from the government level. We have to be vigilant, stay calm, and continue to make good decisions.

        For clarity on internal staffing, we have been mandated by the governor to have more employees work at home – thus, you will see less people in the building. Everyone is still employed by us and remain to have jobs!

If you are running low on supplies, and do not have a way of getting them, please contact the front office at (315) 733-1389. We will do our best to source essentials for you especially due to the fact that stores are beginning to stock their shelves again. Senior shopping hours are typically the first hour each store opens up – therefore, if you need information on your favorite store hours, please give us a call and we will research the information for you.

        Keep up the good work, and remain vigilant because by doing this now, we will hopefully be able to get back to normal soon.


Dominick M. Manfredo

Executive Director / CEO

Sunset Wood COVID-19 Update 3-20-2020

Dear Tenants,                                                     March 20, 2020

        The Governor has come out with specific LAWS for senior citizens to follow, which are called the Matilda’s Laws:

-        Remain indoors

-        Can go outside for solitary exercise aka walking alone

-        We are to pre-screen all visitors and aides

-        Do not visit outside households with multiple people

-        All vulnerable persons should cover their mouths (with masks or scarves) when in the company of others

-        To the greatest extent possible, everyone in the presence of vulnerable people should cover their mouths (with masks or scarves)

-        Always stay at least six (6) feet away from individuals

-        Do not take public transportation unless urgent and absolutely necessary (including our transportation)


Keep in mind, as a society we are preparing for the worst, and hoping for the best. We are mindful of the emotional effects this isolation may bring you. You are all in my thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.


Dominick M. Manfredo

Executive Director / CEO



Being that our seniors are one of the most vulnerable populations affected by the COVID-19 virus, most are staying indoors - which is good. However, sitting in front of the television, laying in bed, and developing a sedentary lifestyle can harm them after we get through this trying time. It is more important than ever to stay physically active so we are able to remain independent when we get back to "normal." This is why The Community at Sunset Wood is offering at home workouts for their tenants in order to keep them happy & healthy.

​If you are looking for something basic that your elderly loved one can do at home, take a look at the information below. It is recommended for safety that all exercises be done with arms on chairs.


  • Hold the sides of the chair

  • Begin a marching action by raising your left foot and placing it down, then raise your right foot and place it down

  • Find a rhythm that is comfortable and try to go for at least one (1) minute


  • With your feet flat on the floor

  • Keep your elbows slightly bent and swing your arms from your sides to your shoulders (or as high as possible)

  • This should mimic how your arms move when walking

  • Find a rhythm that is comfortable and try to go for at least one (1) minute


  • Reach behind you with both arms trying to hold the back of the chair if you can

  • Lean your chest forward and upward

  • You should feel a stretch across your chest

  • Try to hold for 10 seconds

  • Repeat 2 times


  • Hold the sides of the chair

  • Keeping right hand in place, raise left hand and reach toward ceiling

  • Hold for 10 seconds

  • Slowly lean to right side slightly and hold for 10 seconds

  • Return to center and lower your left arm

  • Repeat up to 2 times on each side


  • Place your left hand on your right knee and your right hand behind you on the back or side of the chair

  • Keeping your back upright, slowly turn your upper body and head towards your right arm

  • Hold for up to 10 seconds and slowly turn back to starting position

  • Repeat up to 3 times on each side


  • Slide forward on the chair and straighten your right lef out in front with your heel to the floor and your toes pointing to the ceiling

  • Place both hands on your left thigh for balance

  • Slowly lean forwards while keeping your back straight and chest out

  • Stop when you feel a comfortable stretch in the back of your right leg

  • Hold for up to 20 seconds and then repeat on the right leg

*All exercises and descriptions were provided by “Easy Exercises: A Chair Based Program For Older Adults” by Health Promotion Service in Dublin, Ireland



While cooking with your microwave & stove, please pay attention.

With our minds distracted, it is easy to forget and cause a fire.

If you would like your stove voluntarily turned off,  please call Maintenance (315) 796-5140.

Sunset Wood COVID-19 Update 3-19-2020

Dear Tenants,                                                  March 19, 2020

        The major information presented today by governmental agencies is the need to continue our push toward stopping the spread of disease throughout our local community, state, and nation. Our health care systems are already overwhelmed with potential cases as well as normal health emergencies. Therefore, remaining at home and making good decisions will keep you, and our community safe.

    As Gov. Cuomo stated, we are fighting two aspects with this pandemic 1) the virus itself and 2) fear. By staying calm, asking questions, and following along with our recommendations, it will poise us ALL for success. Our Governor also stated that senior citizens should be hyper-cautious about who they are in contact with and where they are going. We are receiving all of our facts on the virus from trusted governmental sources which helps us act accordingly with good recommendations.

New York State has mandated that we reduce workforce to 25%. Therefore, we will remain to have essential workers on-site such as:

-        Kitchen chef and delivery staff

-        Front-office (1 per day)

-        Housekeeping (1 per day)

-        Maintenance (1 per day and on-call 24/7)

-        All others are available remotely

In regards to your Medicare coverage during these unprecedented times, please read the following:

EXPANSION OF TELEHEALTH WITH 1135 WAIVER: Under this new waiver, Medicare can pay for office, hospital, and other visits furnished via telehealth across the country and including in patient’s places of residence starting March 6, 2020.


-        Effective for services starting March 6, 2020 and for the duration of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency, Medicare will make payment for Medicare telehealth services furnished to patients in broader circumstances.

-        These visits are considered the same as in-person visits and are paid at the same rate as regular, in-person visits.

-        Starting March 6, 2020 and for the duration of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency, Medicare will make payment for professional services furnished to beneficiaries in all areas of the country in all settings.

-        While they must generally travel to or be located in certain types of originating sites such as a physician’s office, skilled nursing facility or hospital for the visit, effective for services starting March 6, 2020 and for the duration of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency, Medicare will make payment for Medicare telehealth services furnished to beneficiaries in any healthcare facility and in their home.

-        The Medicare coinsurance and deductible would generally apply to these services. However, the HHS Office of Inspector General (OIG) is providing flexibility for healthcare providers to reduce or waive cost-sharing for telehealth visits paid by federal healthcare programs.

-        To the extent the 1135 waiver requires an established relationship, HHS will not conduct audits to ensure that such a prior relationship existed for claims submitted during this public health emergency.

As you may already know, we are monitoring the situation at all times of the day and night. The good news is that progress is being made to find treatments for this virus. We WILL get through this as a community.


Dominick M. Manfredo

Executive Director / CEO

Sunset Wood COVID-19 Update 3-18-2020

Dear Tenants,                                                  March 18, 2020

        News broke today that there was a second positive case of COVID-19 within Oneida County. Although that number is not large, the potential for those who may have the virus is still high. With that being said, The Community at Sunset Wood will continue taking the same precautions:

-        Effective immediately there will be a front office staff member in the building seven (7) days per week to screen guests while helping with questions, comments or concerns.

-        Gov. Cuomo mandated that we operate at only 50% of workforce

o  Therefore, some of our staff members will be working from home

-        We will do our best to send “care packages” like toilet paper and snacks when able to

o  Please, conserve as much toilet paper as you can because manufacturers are still behind on production and stores will not be fully stocked for an unforeseen period of time

-        Transportation appointments to stores must be made AHEAD OF TIME

o  Therefore, look at your inventory of supplies and plan ahead

o  Let front office staff know what specific supplies you are low on

-        All other precautions remain the same until further notice

As we are attempting to keep our tenants & staff safe during this period of uncertainty, please be flexible with the fact that the number of staff members on site will be strategically limited. However, the front office staff member on-site will be able to connect us with anyone needing immediate assistance.


Dominick M. Manfredo

Executive Director / CEO

A Message From Our Chaplain 3-18-2020


Family at Sunset Wood,                                               March 18, 2020

The recent events with COVID-19 have been turning our world upside down and we are all struggling to deal with it.  We need to continue to look to our faith for hope, strength and courage.  As last week’s epistle lesson from Romans 5:1-5 said, 

“Therefore, since we are justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have obtained access to this grace in which we stand; and we boast in our hope of sharing the glory of God. And not only that, but we also boast in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us.”

As a community of faith, we need to find ways to continue to be church in worship, in our homes, and with our neighbors.  I encourage you to call one another and lift each other up with your words and singing when the Spirit moves you. Very sadly, I cannot be with you in person to comfort you, but I know, with Dominick’s help, I will be able to reach out to you with some liturgy and inspirational messages throughout this tumultuous time. I miss you, love you, and am praying for you and our world. Thank you for doing the same.

Pray always and God bless you.

With faith and hope always,

Pastor Elizabeth