The Community at Sunset Wood

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Sunset Wood COVID-19 Update 5-14-2020

Dear Tenants,                                                          May 14, 2020

        As Phase 1 reopening begins in our area starting May 15th (tomorrow), I will be providing you information as to what that means internally effective Monday, May 18th. The state is allowing the Mohawk Valley Region to begin Phase 1 while putting the responsibility on local officials to make sure that both businesses & individuals comply with the new regulations.

        This means that we are starting the slow process of getting back to a new normal – however, it does not mean that everything is going back to the way it was before COVID-19. We are still going to be required to wear masks, we are still going to have to socially distance, and things will be different until we are able to feel completely safe again.

        The document you will receive tomorrow is called an “infographic” which will outline each department that is affected by Phase 1. Any department not included will remain the same until Phase 2 is proposed by Oneida County.

Stay safe & healthy,

Dominick M. Manfredo

Executive Director / CEO